mardi 7 août 2012

Rob Kreider ...

This Alpha bodybuilder lives in Washington DC (I wish, he could be one of my neighbors), he's only 5'7" tall, but with 195lbs of steel muscles, dark hair and and green eyes and a killer face! and yes! you could hire him to be your "personal trainer

Rob has been a personal trainer in the DC/Metro area since 1998. he currently perform his personal training services out of Fitness First in Alexandria, Virginia‎‎! New! and guarantee success within his program as long as the program is followed as instructed. In addition to personal training, He’s available for telephone consultations and personalized programs for training and nutrition. If you are interested in contacting him about his services.

And finally, look what I just found...  hell yeah! now I love even more Rob.. he's not only solid muscles but nicely hung and looks that's fat as well... mmmm yummy! now I know I should go and get a session of "personal training" with him.

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