lundi 18 juin 2012

Goodbye, my friend ! by François Sagat ...

Erik Rhodes/ James, Someone I had a crush on the first time we met more than 6 years ago… so funny, impressive, charming and very clever…
I was one of his first readers, following his blogs and stories. A misunderstood man in some ways, but so analytic, specific, with his own imagination, world and a huge sensibility that I’ve always respected. A sweet big man to me.
We’ve worked together on 2 projects and I always took the chance to interact with a very cool and nice guy, full of stories to tell …
I wish we could have been closer friends … 30 is terrible age to die
I’m really sorry for his brother, parents and all his friends, co-workers…his memory will stay intact …I will never forget, James.
You were already a legend. RIP.

1 commentaire:

  1. Hermosas palabras de un hombre igualmente una dolorosa perdida,descanse en paz...
